Most of you know, or should know.......if not it's on my bucket list ( most of it is posted in the sidebar) that I would like to travel the world some day, and see as much of it as I can. ( Continents and countries, anywhere.) I haven't really gotten anywhere. Heck I haven't even gotten a job, and barely get out of my own house as it is right now. But I have signed up for a postcard trading site. I've been on it for a while. and I send postcards, and when they get received I am able to get some sent to me. YES written on, AND from ANY country that has a person signed up.( Most of the world is signed up) I do not get to choose where I send it to, or where I receive, although you can customize some of it. I also will not receive a postcard back from the same person I sent one to. So I could send one to France ( I have before) and receive one from Japan ( I have) but there is the option of direct swap( I send one to someone and the same person sends me one back.) Although that is not a necessity. Here are some of the postcards I have received.
I'm only going to show two, 'cause I don't want to spoil the rest to view the rest please visit my Postcrossing page. If you want to send me a postcard on postcrossing please message me. OR if you do not have a postcrossing and would still like to send me a postcard please leave me a message in the comments, or message me on facebook, you can even send me an email to my hotmail or gmail. ( I think my emails are on my page, if not comment and tell me. I am really trying to collect postcards from around the world, because it does give me a little feeling that I'm traveling the world, and if I do not get to travel the world, or get to see as much of it as I would like I at least have the postcards as something.